Healthcare Information

*NEW* Wellness Program *NEW* 

Per a decision that was made by Wethersfield's Town Council, due to budget cuts, the town has decided to re-implement a wellness program, to demonstrate that you have attended periodic examinations that are required by the wellness program for your age group. This is an ongoing developement that the WFT executive board is finding out alongside its members. We have attached all information and presentations that we have been provided and are available on the WPS Healthcare benefit portal. 

Wellness Program Overview FINAL.pdf
Wellness Program Portal Overview FINAL.pdf

LtoR: Wethersfield Wellness Program Overview (Left), Wethersfield Wellness Program Powerpoint (Right) 

WPS Benefits Summary - WFT.docx

Summary of Employee Benefits

WFT-Cigna - 23-24 Enrollment Guide.pdf
WFT-Teacher- Dental Plan Summary.pdf

LtoR: Cigna Medical & Vision Insurance Overview (Left), Anthem BCBS Dental Plan (Right) 

WFT-Premium Cost Share.docx.pdf
CT EAP Orientation.pptx.pdf

LtoR: Benefits Cost Share (Left), EAP (Employee Assistance Program) (Right)